ITEM No. 694719682033
(STAR WARS Autographed Cards x7 - Hand Written Signatures)
This web page will serve as a certificate of authenticity for the above mentioned item through Smith & Son’s Collectibles and third party professional personnel. It is to our understanding that an autograph collector/fan obtained the signatures of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker and David Prowse between 2006 to 2012 at various Star Wars and Comic Con conventions.
It is known by the typical signature styles from all members of these cast members of that their slant, flow, pressure, size and characteristic formations are in comparison to other various exemplars that we have individually examined over time within our professional career with these cast members. It is our considered opinion that these signatures are genuine.
Therefore this has been assigned a unique identification number of STARWU4XYL.
Smith & Son's Collectibles